Prebid Mobile supports the following global targeting parameters. These targeting parameters are set only once and apply to all Prebid Mobile ad units. They do not change for a given user session.
public var userGender: Gender
Gender is an enum with the following values:
@objc public enum Gender : Int {
case unknown
case male
case female
case other
You can retrieve and set the gender for targeting:
let gender = Targeting.shared.userGender
Targeting.shared.userGender = .unknown;
public var yearOfBirth: Int
You can retrieve and set the year of birth for targeting:
Targeting.shared.yearOfBirth = 1990;
User keywords are a list of keywords, intrests or intent as defined by user.keywords in OpenRTB 2.5. Any keywords passed in the UserKeywords object may be passsed to DSPs.
func addUserKeyword(_ newElement: String)
func addUserKeywords(_ newElements: Set<String>)
func removeUserKeyword(_ element: String)
func clearUserKeywords()
Retrieve and set the domain of your app with the following commands:
Targeting.shared.domain = domain
Retrieve and set the domain of your store URL with the following command:
Targeting.shared.storeURL = "itunes store URL string"
Retrieve and set the domain of your iTunes ID with the below command. This field will be transmitted to buyers as the bundle ID as recommended in OpenRTB 2.5. Failure to supply this value can have a negative monetary impact.
Targeting.shared.itunesID = itunesID
OMSDK is designed to facilitate 3rd party viewability and verification measurement for ads served in mobile app enviroments. Prebid SDK will provide the signaling component to Bid Adapters, by way of Prebid Server, indicating the impression is eligible for OMSDK support. Original API of prebid SDK does not currently integrate with OMSDK itself, instead it will rely on a publisher ad server to render viewability and verification measurement code.
There three components to signaling support for OMSDK:
This will be the IAB OMSDK compliant partner name responsible for integrating with the OMSDK spec. See below for configuration and examples
Targeting.shared.omidPartnerName = "Google"
The OMSDK version number the partner integrated with. See below for configuration and examples.
Targeting.shared.omidPartnerVersion = "1.0"
Per OpenRTB 2.5, support for OMSDK is signaled using the imp.[media type].api field represented in Prebid SDK withing each ad format type under the parameters object. Refer to the documentation of the respective ad unit class.
let bannerUnit = BannerAdUnit(configId: "6ace8c7d-88c0-4623-8117-75bc3f0a2e45", size: CGSize(width: 300, height: 250))
let parameters = BannerParameters()
parameters.api = [Signals.Api(7)]
bannerUnit.parameters = parameters
Note that the OMID value for imp.banner/video/native.api field should be 7, as defined by the IAB in the OMSDK v1.2 document.
Context Keywords are a list of keywords about the app as referenced in OpenRTB 2.5 as app.keywords. Any keyword passed in the context keyword field may be passed to the buyer for targeting. Prebid provides following functions to manage context keywords:
func addContextKeyword(_ newElement: String)
func addContextKeywords(_ newElements: Set<String>)
func removeContextKeyword(_ element: String)
func clearContextKeywords()
First Party Data (FPD) is free form data supplied by the publisher to provide additional targeting of the user or inventory context, used primarily for striking PMP (Private MarketPlace) deals with Advertisers. Data supplied in the data parameters are typically not sent to DSPs whereas information sent in non-data objects (i.e. setYearOfBirth, setGender, etc.) will be. Access to FPD can be limited to a supplied set of Prebid bidders via an access control list.
Data is broken up into two different data types:
The below first party user and inventory context will apply to all ad units. For ad unit level first party data, refer to First Party Data section in the Ad Unit page.
Prebid provides following functions to manage First Party User Data:
func addUserData(key: String, value: String)
func updateUserData(key: String, value: Set<String>)
func removeUserData(forKey: String)
func clearUserData()
Targeting.shared.addUserData(key: "globalUserDataKey1", value: "globalUserDataValue1")
Prebid provides following functions to manage First Party Inventory Data:
func addContextData(key: String, value: String)
func updateContextData(key: String, value: Set<String>)
func removeContextData(forKey: String)
func clearContextData()
Targeting.shared.addContextData(key: "globalContextDataKey1", value: "globalContextDataValue1")
For ad unit context data, please refer to the ad unit section.
The First Party Data Access Control List provides a methods to restrict access to first party data to a supplied list of bidders.
func addBidderToAccessControlList(_ bidderName: String)
func removeBidderFromAccessControlList(_ bidderName: String)
func clearAccessControlList()
Prebid Mobile supports the IAB GDPR recommendations. For a general overview of Prebid Mobile support for GDPR, see Prebid Mobile Guide to European Ad Inventory and Providing Notice, Transparency and Choice
public var subjectToGDPR:Bool?
You can retrieve and set the subjectToGDPR for targeting:
guard let subjectToGDPR = Targeting.shared.subjectToGDPR else {
print("There was an error retrieving subjectToGDPR)
Targeting.shared.subjectToGDPR = false
public var gdprConsentString?
You can retrieve and set the subjectToGDPR for targeting:
guard let gdprConsentString = Targeting.shared.gdprConsentString else {
print("There was an error retrieving gdprConsentString")
Targeting.shared.gdprConsentString = "A String"
public var purposeConsents: String?
You can retrieve and set the purposeConsents for targeting:
Targeting.shared.purposeConsents = "100000000000000000000000"
Prebid supports passing of the Child Online Privacy Prection (COPPA) signal to Prebid Server (PBS) for all COPPA traffic. When PBS receives the COPPA flag we strip out all personal data from the requeset. For a general overview of COPPA, see the FTC’s guidlines.
var subjectToCOPPA: Bool
Targeting.shared.subjectToCOPPA = true
Prebid SDK supports two interfaces to pass / maintain User IDs and ID vendor details:
Any identity vendor’s details in local storage will be sent over to Prebid Server as is, unadulterated. If data is sent in the API and entered into local storage, the API detail will prevail.
Prebid SDK supports passing an array of UserID(s) at auction time in the field externalUserIdArray, that is globably scopped. It is sufficient enough to set the externalUserIdArray object once per user session, as these values would be used in all consecutive ad auctions in the same session.
public var externalUserIdArray = [ExternalUserId]()
// User Id from External Third Party Sources
var externalUserIdArray = [ExternalUserId]()
externalUserIdArray.append(ExternalUserId(source: "", identifier: "111111111111", ext: ["rtiPartner" : "TDID"]))
externalUserIdArray.append(ExternalUserId(source: "", identifier: "999888777"))
externalUserIdArray.append(ExternalUserId(source: "", identifier: "_fl7bV96WjZsbiUyQnJlQ3g4ckh5a1N"))
externalUserIdArray.append(ExternalUserId(source: "", identifier: "AjfowMv4ZHZQJFM8TpiUnYEyA81Vdgg"))
externalUserIdArray.append(ExternalUserId(source: "", identifier: "111111111111", atype: 1, ext: ["third" : "01ERJWE5FS4RAZKG6SKQ3ZYSKV"]))
Prebid.shared.externalUserIdArray = externalUserIdArray
Prebid SDK provides a local storage interface to set, retrieve or update an array of user IDs with associated identity vendor details. Prebid SDK will retrieve and pass User IDs and ID vendor details to PBS if values are present in local storage. The main difference between the Prebid API interface and the local storage interface is the persistence of storage of data. Local Storage data will persist across user sessions whereas the Prebid API interface (externalUserIdArray) persists only for the user session. If a vendor’s details are passed both in local storage and the Prebid API at the same time, the Prebid API data (externalUserIdArray) will prevail.
Prebid SDK Provides five functions to handle User ID details:
public func storeExternalUserId(_ externalUserId: ExternalUserId)
public func fetchStoredExternalUserIds() -> [ExternalUserId]?
public func fetchStoredExternalUserId(_ source : String) -> ExternalUserId?
public func removeStoredExternalUserId(_ source : String)
public func removeStoredExternalUserIds()
//Set External User ID
Targeting.shared.storeExternalUserId(ExternalUserId(source: "", identifier: "111111111111", atype: 1, ext: ["third" : "01ERJWE5FS4RAZKG6SKQ3ZYSKV"]))
//Get External User ID
let externalUserIdSharedId = Targeting.shared.fetchStoredExternalUserId("")
//Get All External User IDs
let externalUserIdsArray = Targeting.shared.fetchStoredExternalUserIds()
//Remove External UserID
//Remove All External UserID