BannerAdUnit: AdUnit

The BannerAdUnit is a subclass of the AdUnit class. Use the BannerAdUnit object to create and configure a banner ad unit in your app.



Create a new Banner Ad Unit associated with a Prebid Server configuration ID and a banner size.

See AdUnit for additional parameters and methods.


configId (String): Prebid Server configuration ID. Note: this is a Prebid Server impression-level stored request ID.

size (CGSize): Width and height of the banner.


Parameters is a sub class of BannerAdUnit. Create a new Parameters class to define the parameters of the video ad unit. Parameters contain the OpenRTB video attributes.

api: [int]: OpenRTB placement


Array of integers or a predefined constant representing the supported OpenRTB 2.5 Frameworks. While OpenRTB allows additional API Frameworks, they were intentionally left out as constants since they do not make sense in a banner context. If there is a desire to pass API Frameworks that are not represented as a constants within Parameters, they can be passed an integer, where Prebid SDK will pass Prebid Server whatever is present:

  • 3 or Signals.Api.MRAID_1 : MRAID-1 support signal
  • 5 or Signals.Api.MRAID_2 : MRAID-2 support signal
  • 6 or Signals.Api.MRAID_3 : MRAID-3 support signal
  • 7 or Signals.Api.OMID_1 : signals OMSDK support



  • Add an additional banner size to the Prebid Mobile ad unit. Banner ad units must be associated with one or more sizes.


sizes (CGSize): The width and height of the banner ad.

See AdUnit for addtional parameters and methods.


Create a BannerAdUnit

let bannerUnit = BannerAdUnit(configId: "6ace8c7d-88c0-4623-8117-75bc3f0a2e45", size: CGSize(width: 300, height: 250))

Add additional ad sizes

bannerUnit.addAdditionalSize(sizes: [CGSize(width: 320, height: 50), CGSize(width: 300, height: 250)])

Once a BannerAdUnit is created use Google Mobile Ads or MoPub to retrieve and display creatives.

** Define any appropriate API Frameworks **


let parameters = BannerAdUnit.Parameters()
parameters.api = [Signals.Api.MRAID_2] //parameters.api = [Signals.Api(5)]

Objective C

PBBannerAdUnitParameters* parameters = [[PBBannerAdUnitParameters alloc] init];
parameters.api = @[PBApi.MRAID_2];
//parameters.api = @[[[PBApi alloc] initWithIntegerLiteral:5]];
bannerAdUnit.parameters = parameters;

Google Mobile Ads

Import the GoogleMobileAds from the google-mobile-sdk into the UIViewController displaying the BannerAdUnit


func loadDFPBanner(bannerUnit : AdUnit){
        print("Google Mobile Ads SDK version: \(DFPRequest.sdkVersion())")
        dfpBanner = DFPBannerView(adSize: kGADAdSizeMediumRectangle)
        dfpBanner.adUnitID = "/19968336/PrebidMobileValidator_Banner_All_Sizes"
        dfpBanner.rootViewController = self
        dfpBanner.delegate = self
        dfpBanner.backgroundColor = .red
        request.testDevices = [ kGADSimulatorID,"cc7ca766f86b43ab6cdc92bed424069b"]

        bannerUnit.fetchDemand(adObject:self.request) { (ResultCode) in
            print("Prebid demand fetch for Google Ad Manager \(")


-(void) loadDFPBanner {

    self.bannerUnit = [[BannerAdUnit alloc] initWithConfigId:@"6ace8c7d-88c0-4623-8117-75bc3f0a2e45" size:CGSizeMake(300, 250)];
    [self.bannerUnit setAutoRefreshMillisWithTime:35000];
    self.dfpView = [[DFPBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeMediumRectangle];
    self.dfpView.rootViewController = self;
    self.dfpView.adUnitID = @"/19968336/PrebidMobileValidator_Banner_All_Sizes";
    self.dfpView.delegate = self;
    [self.bannerView addSubview:self.dfpView];
    self.dfpView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
    self.request = [[DFPRequest alloc] init];
    self.request.testDevices = @[kDFPSimulatorID];

    [self.bannerUnit fetchDemandWithAdObject:self.request completion:^(enum ResultCode result) {
        NSLog(@"Prebid demand result %ld", (long)result);
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            [self.dfpView loadRequest:self.request];


Import MoPub from the mopub-ios-sdk into the UIViewController displaying the BannerAdUnit


func loadMoPubBanner(bannerUnit: AdUnit){

        let sdkConfig = MPMoPubConfiguration(adUnitIdForAppInitialization: "a935eac11acd416f92640411234fbba6")
        sdkConfig.globalMediationSettings = []

        MoPub.sharedInstance().initializeSdk(with: sdkConfig) {


        mopubBanner = MPAdView(adUnitId: "a935eac11acd416f92640411234fbba6", size: CGSize(width: 300, height: 250))
        mopubBanner!.delegate = self


        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
        bannerUnit.fetchDemand(adObject: mopubBanner!){ (ResultCode) in
            print("Prebid demand fetch for mopub \(ResultCode)")




-(void) loadMoPubBanner {

    MPMoPubConfiguration *configuration = [[MPMoPubConfiguration alloc] initWithAdUnitIdForAppInitialization:@"a935eac11acd416f92640411234fbba6"];

    [[MoPub sharedInstance] initializeSdkWithConfiguration:configuration completion:^{

    self.mopubAdView = [[MPAdView alloc] initWithAdUnitId:@"a935eac11acd416f92640411234fbba6" size:CGSizeMake(300, 250)];
    self.mopubAdView.delegate = self;

    [self.bannerView addSubview:self.mopubAdView];

    self.bannerUnit = [[BannerAdUnit alloc] initWithConfigId:@"6ace8c7d-88c0-4623-8117-75bc3f0a2e45" size:CGSizeMake(300, 250)];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    [self.bannerUnit fetchDemandWithAdObject:self.mopubAdView completion:^(enum ResultCode result) {         
        NSLog(@"Prebid demand result %ld", (long)result);
        [self.mopubAdView loadAd];