Code Integration for iOS

Get started with Prebid Mobile by creating a Prebid Server account.

Use Cocoapods?

Easily include the Prebid Mobile SDK for your primary ad server in your Podfile.

platform :ios, '11.0'

target 'MyAmazingApp' do
    pod 'PrebidMobile'

Build framework from source

Build Prebid Mobile from source code. After cloning the repo, from the root directory run


to output the PrebidMobile.framework.

Ad Unit Setup for iOS

Register Prebid Mobile ad units as early as possible in the application’s lifecycle.

When registering a Prebid Mobile ad unit, you must replace @"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID" with a unique user-defined identifier. Prebid Mobile will use this identifier to determine the unique ad unit to which bid key-values will be associated. This identifier must be unique across all registered Prebid Mobile ad units, and does not need to map to any ad unit ID defined in your ad server.

We recommend doing this in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method in AppDelegate.m using the following steps, as shown in the code sample below:

  1. Create the ad units and add sizes for banner ad units. Be sure to replace @"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID" with a unique user-defined identifier.

    NOTE: The fluid ad size (used in Google Ad Manager) is not supported.

  2. Add a server-side configuration for each ad unit to Prebid Server Adapter.
  3. Set targeting parameters for the ad units. (Optional)
  4. Set the primary adserver for the bid to either Google Ad Manager or MoPub. (Primary ad server is necessary to determine the caching mechanism.)
  5. Set the Prebid Server host to AppNexus or Rubicon.
  6. Register the ad units with the adapter to start the bid fetching process.

User-Replaced Macros

In the code snippets below, any values that must be substituted by your developers are identified in capital letters. These values are defined below:

Value Description
PREBID-SERVER-ACCOUNT-ID Your unique account ID with your Prebid Server vendor.
PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID User-defined identifier that must be unique across all registered Prebid Mobile ad units. Note: this value should not map to any ad unit ID defined in your ad server, unless that ID is unique.
PREBID-SERVER-CONFIGURATION-ID The ID of a Prebid Server demand partner configuration. Represents the set of demand that will be fetched for a given ad unit.
AD-SERVER-AD-VIEW-INSTANCE The ad server ad view object instance to which bids will be attached. Supported values are defined in a table below.
AD-SERVER-AD-LOAD-METHOD The ad server API to load this ad type.

Ad Unit Registration

Embed the ad unit registration in a try-catch block to catch all the exceptions (if any) thrown by the SDK.

#import "PrebidMobile/PBBannerAdUnit.h"
#import "PrebidMobile/PBServerAdapter.h"
#import "PrebidMobile/PBTargetingParams.h"
#import "PrebidMobile/PrebidMobile.h"

// See for information on log level settings.

[PBLogManager setPBLogLevel:PBLogLevelAll];

 * 1. Create the ad units and add sizes for banner ad units.
 * Replace @"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID" with the unique ad slot identifier
 * you defined when you registered the ad unit with Prebid Mobile.
 * your Prebid Server demand partner configuration.
PBBannerAdUnit *__nullable adUnit1 = [[PBBannerAdUnit alloc] initWithAdUnitIdentifier:@"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID" andConfigId:@"PREBID-SERVER-CONFIGURATION-ID"];
[adUnit1 addSize:CGSizeMake(300, 250)];

 * 2. Set targeting parameters for the ad units (Optional).
[[PBTargetingParams sharedInstance] setAge:25];
[[PBTargetingParams sharedInstance] setGender:PBTargetingParamsGenderFemale];

 * 3. Register the ad units with Prebid Mobile to start bid fetching process.
 * Google Ad Manager Example
 * Replace @"PREBID-SERVER-ACCOUNT-ID" with your Prebid Server account ID.
 * If you are using a Prebid Server host other than AppNexus, be sure
 * to replace 'PBServerHostAppNexus'.
[PrebidMobile registerAdUnits:@[adUnit1, adUnit2]

If you are using MoPub as your ad server, modify step 3 above to use PBPrimaryAdServerMoPub, as shown below:

 * 3. Register the ad units with Prebid Mobile to start bid fetching process.
 * MoPub Example
 * Replace @"PREBID-SERVER-ACCOUNT-ID" with your Prebid Server account ID.
 * If you are using a Prebid Server host other than AppNexus, be sure
 * to replace 'PBServerHostAppNexus'.
[PrebidMobile registerAdUnits:@[adUnit1, adUnit2]

Note that host should be the prebid server host you’re using.

Set Ad Server Targeting

Prebid Mobile continuously pre-caches creatives in the background, so that right before the ad unit makes an ad request from your network, your app can ask Prebid Mobile for a bid price and creative without waiting as shown in the code below.

 * Set the prebid keywords on your adObject immediately.
 * Replace @"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID" with the unique ad slot identifier
 * you defined when you registered the ad unit with Prebid Mobile.
 * Replace AD-SERVER-AD-VIEW-INSTANCE with the ad view instance
 * from your ad server (defined in the table below).
[PrebidMobile setBidKeywordsOnAdObject:AD-SERVER-AD-VIEW-INSTANCE withAdUnitId:@"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID"];

Alternatively, if you want to set the bid keywords on your adObject shortly after registering ad units, you can wait for bids with a timeout using the API method below.

 * Set the prebid keywords on your adObject.  
 * Upon completion, call the ad server's ad load method.
 * Replace @"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID" with the unique ad slot identifier
 * you defined when you registered the ad unit with Prebid Mobile.
 * Replace AD-SERVER-AD-VIEW-INSTANCE with the ad view instance
 * from your ad server (defined in the table below).
 * Replace AD-SERVER-AD-LOAD-METHOD with the ad server's method
 * to load this ad type (defined in the table below).
[PrebidMobile setBidKeywordsOnAdObject:AD-SERVER-AD-VIEW-INSTANCE withAdUnitId:@"PREBID-MOBILE-SLOT-ID" withTimeout:600 completionHandler:^{

Use the table below to see which ad objects are supported currently.

Primary Ad Server Ad Object Type Ad Server Ad View Ad Server Ad Load Method
Google Ad Manager Banner DFPBannerView - (void)loadRequest:(GADRequest *)request
Google Ad Manager Interstitial DFPInterstitial - (void)loadRequest:(GADRequest *)request
MoPub Banner MPAdView - (void)loadAd
MoPub Interstitial MPInterstitialAdController ` - (void)loadAd`