An example of an instream pre-roll ad using Prebid.js and Flowplayer.
Important: This example uses a test version of Prebid.js hosted on our CDN that is not recommended for production use. It includes all available adapters. Production implementations should build from source or customize the build using the Download page to make sure only the necessary bidder adapters are included.
Warning: Do not forget to exchange the placementId in the code examples with your own placementId!
<script async src="//"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <style> #player { max-width: 40em; width: 100%; float: left; } </style> <script> var pbjs = pbjs || {}; pbjs.que = pbjs.que || []; const BIDDER1_PROVIDER = 'appnexus'; const BIDDER1_PLACEMENT_ID = '13232361'; // The ad tag in Flowplayer can be actual ad tag or promise to an ad tag. // We return the ad tag if it is available before the player is ready to play // Otherwise the player waits for 2 secs for tag to be available.
var adtag = null var timeout = 2000 window.prebid_fetcher = function() { if (adtag) return Promise.resolve(adtag) return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function() { resolve(adtag) }, timeout) }) } /* Prebid Video adUnit */ var videoAdUnit = { code: 'video1', sizes: [640,480], mediaTypes: { video: { context: 'instream', playerSize: [640, 480], mimes: ['video/mp4'], protocols: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], playbackmethod: [2], skip: 1 } }, bids: [ { bidder: BIDDER1_PROVIDER, params: { placementId: BIDDER1_PLACEMENT_ID } } ] }; pbjs.que.push(function(){ pbjs.addAdUnits(videoAdUnit); // add your ad units to the bid request
pbjs.setConfig({ debug: true, cache: { url: '' } }); pbjs.requestBids({ bidsBackHandler: function(bids) { var videoUrl = pbjs.adServers.dfp.buildVideoUrl({ adUnit: videoAdUnit, params: { iu: '/19968336/prebid_cache_video_adunit', cust_params: { section: "blog", anotherKey: "anotherValue" }, output: "vast" } }); adtag = videoUrl; } }); }); </script>
<div id="player"></div> <!--video player div--> <div id="player"></div> <div id="controls"> <button id="ad-toggle" disabled> Toggle ad playback </button> <p>The button will be enabled only during ads</p> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var player = flowplayer('#player', { src: "//", title: "Flowplayer demo", description: "Demo showing ads", ima: { ads: [{ time: 0, // preroll adTag: 'flowplayer://prebid_fetcher' // this will try to call window.prebid_fetcher ] }, token:"eyJraWQiOiJZSVI0VVJZODA2TGoiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJjIjoie1wiYWNsXCI6NixcImlkXCI6XCJZSVI0VVJZODA2TGpcIn0iLCJpc3MiOiJGbG93cGxheWVyIn0.YUoY8b2vl1Z15PikwgYeWQ8Cp85C-TvtmwIJ_UFxpfAYYH8yiiUrhmd3SaY_qb3AvVDz45xVV6R9wizYl-NRGQ" }) </script>