Use the InterstitialAdUnit
object to create and configure an interstitial ad unit in your app.
Create a new Interstitial Ad Unit associated with a Prebid Server configuration ID.
As of version 1.2+, Prebid SDK has extended the functionality of Interstitial ad monetization by using a smart ad size selection process to monetize sizes smaller than full screen ads. App developers can speicify a minimun width and minimum height percentage an ad can occupy of a devices real state, with Prebid Server (PBS) deriving a limited set of ad sizes (max 10) as eligible for the auction.
PBS will take the AdUnit’s size (width and height) as the max size for the interstitial as size, generating a list of ad sizes, selecting the first 10 sizes that fall within the imp’s max size and minimum percentage size. All the interstitial parameters will still be passed to the bidders, allowing them to use their own size matching algorithms if they prefer.
Prebid Server will send the eligible size list to each bidder to solicit a bid. For a full description of the Prebid Server logic, please refer to the Prebid Server PR 797.
: Prebid Server configuration ID. Note: this is a Prebid Server impression-level stored request ID.
: Optional parameter to specify the minimum width percent an ad may occuy of a device’s real estate. Support in SDK version 1.2+
: Optional parameter to specify the minimum height percent an ad may occuy of a device’s real estate. Support in SDK version 1.2+
InterstitialAdUnit(@NonNull String configId, int minWidthPerc, int minHeightPerc)
Parameters is a sub class of BannerAdUnit. Create a new Parameters class to define the parameters of the video ad unit. Parameters contain the OpenRTB video attributes.
api: [int]
: OpenRTB placement
Array of integers or a predefined constant representing the supported OpenRTB 2.5 Frameworks. While OpenRTB allows additional API Frameworks, they were intentionally left out as constants since they do not make sense in a banner context. If there is a desire to pass API Frameworks that are not represented as a constants within Parameters, they can be passed an integer, where Prebid SDK will pass Prebid Server whatever is present:
or Signals.Api.MRAID_1
: MRAID-1 support signal5
or Signals.Api.MRAID_2
: MRAID-2 support signal6
or Signals.Api.MRAID_3
: MRAID-3 support signal7
or Signals.Api.OMID_1
: signals OMSDK supportInterstitialAdUnit
inherits all methods from the AdUnit object.
AdUnit interstitialAdUnit = new InterstitialAdUnit("12345", 50, 70);
BannerBaseAdUnit.Parameters parameters = new BannerBaseAdUnit.Parameters();
parameters.setApi(Arrays.asList(new Signals.Api(6, 7)));
// alternate representation using an enum parameters.setApi(Arrays.asList(Signals.Api.MRAID_3, Signals.Api.OMID_1));
interstitialAdUnit.fetchDemand(publisherAdRequest, new onCompleteListener() {
public void onComplete(ResultCode resultCode) {