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The getEvents
method returns a copy of all emitted events since the page loaded.
Kind: static method of pbjs
Args: none
Returns: array of objects
Returned Object Params:
- eventType (see table below)
- args (varies for each event type)
- id (only for bidWon, set to adUnit.code)
- elapsedTime
The available events are:
Event | Description | Callback Arguments |
auctionInit | The auction has started | Object containing auction details |
auctionEnd | The auction has ended | Object containing auction details |
beforeRequestBids | Bids are about to be requested from adapters (added in 3.x) | Array of adunits in the auction |
beforeBidderHttp | bidder network request is about be triggered | Array of Bid request objects |
bidRequested | A bid was requested from a specific bidder | Bid request object |
bidResponse | A bid response has arrived | Bid response object |
bidAdjustment | A bid was adjusted | Bid response object |
bidWon | A bid has won | Bid response object |
bidTimeout | A bid timed out | Array of objects with timed out bids |
setTargeting | Targeting has been set | Hash of targeting values |
requestBids | Bids have been requested from adapters (i.e. pbjs.requestBids() was called) | None |
addAdUnits | Ad units have been added to the auction | None |
adRenderFailed | Ad rendering failed | Object containing ‘reason’ and ‘message’ |
adRenderSucceeded | Ad rendering succeeded | Object containing ‘doc’, ‘bid’, and ‘adId’. ‘doc’ is the DOM root containing the ad and may be null if it was rendered in a cross-origin iframe. |
auctionDebug | An error was logged to the console | Object containing ‘type’ and ‘arguments’ |
bidderDone | A bidder has signaled they are done responding | Bid request object |
bidderError | A bidder responded with an error | Object with the XMLHttpRequest error and the bid request object { error, bidderRequest } |
tcf2Enforcement | There was a TCF2 enforcement action taken | { storageBlocked: ['moduleA', 'moduleB'], biddersBlocked: ['moduleB'], analyticsBlocked: ['moduleC'] } |
The example below shows how these events can be used.
pbjs.getEvents().forEach(event => {
console.log("event: "+event.eventType)