This module returns the targeting key value pairs for the FreeWheel ad server.
If you are using FreeWheel as your ad server for long-form header bidding then include this module while creating Prebid.js build. Use the exposed getTargeting method to get targeting key value pairs.
codes: [adUnitCode1],
callback: function(err, targeting) {
//pass targeting to player api
// Sample return value when brandCategoryExclusion flag is set to true
'adUnitCode-1': [
'hb_pb_cat_dur': '10.00_400_15s'
'hb_pb_cat_dur': '15.00_402_30s'
'hb_cache_id': '123'
// Sample return value
'adUnitCode-1': [
'hb_pb_cat_dur': '10.00_15s'
'hb_pb_cat_dur': '15.00_30s'
'hb_cache_id': '123'
The values returned by getTargeting
are concatenation of CPM, industy code, and video duration. FreeWheel SDK will send those values to FreeWheel Ad Server within the following query: